@node main The results of the competition(s) at The Assembly '92, held in '92 in Kerava/Finland. Original results-file follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSEMBLY '92, Rebels & Complex party results -------------------------------------------- Demos : 1. Reflect Intros: 1. Vectra Repo intro 2. Complex 2. Wizzcat 3. Nikki Corruption 3. Vectra (Smirre) Gfx: 1. Iridon / Shining Musics: 1. Misty & Daeron / Shining 2. Dean / Cyberiad 2. Groo / Black Robes 3. Zei / Accession 3. Stargazer / Sonic Realtime compo : 1. Dweezil & Dean 2. Alcatraz 3. Black Robes & Dual Crew THANK'S FOR COMING.. OVER 700 PEOPLE SHOWED UP... BIGGEST PARTY EVER HELD IN FINLAND.. PHUI! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @endnode